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We are delighted to be able to offer three languages: French, German and Spanish to GCSE and A Level at the Minster School. The study of a Modern Foreign Language is essential to help you understand and appreciate different countries, cultures, people and communities.

Furthermore, it will allow you to develop the skills needed to use and understand the language. Additionally the languages studied lay the foundations for future study of other languages and enable you to reflect on your own native language.


Miss A Walter
Curriculum Team Leader for MFL
Dr K Zindler
Assistant Curriculum Team Leader for MFL
Miss G Sogas
Assistant Curriculum Team Leader for MFL


You can download a copy of the French, German and Spanish Learning Journeys for the Minster school below.

During KS3, students explore topics such as family, friends, free time and school. The focus is on understanding and communicating in the target language, as well as being able to translate to and from the target language.

In Year 7, students attend 4 lessons of Spanish per fortnight. In Year 8 and Year 9, the majority of students attend 3 lessons of Spanish per fortnight and have the opportunity to attend 4 lessons of French or German per fortnight.


At GCSE level, students attend 4-5 lessons per fortnight.

Board and Specification

AQA GCSE French – 9-1 New Specification
AQA GCSE German – 9-1 New Specification
AQA GCSE Spanish – 9-1 New Specification

During KS4, we explore topics in more depth. The focus is on understanding and communicating in the target language at a higher level and translation.

Assessment Components

Completed in May-June in Year 11

Linear exams at the end of the course assessing students in all four skills.

Listening (Written Examination) 25%
Writing (Written Examination) 25%
Reading (Written Examination) 25%
Speaking (Written Examination) 25%

Recommended Study Aids

  1. Vocabulary booklets for KS3 and KS4 (issued to all year groups)
  2. ActiveLearn - a website that the school subscribes to that is linked to the course books that we use, to practise listening, reading and grammar. For KS3 and KS4 (students will be issued with a username and password)
  3. Grammar and Translation workbook for KS4 (students may purchase this at a reduced cost from the department)