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The Minster School has three main points of intake for new students. These are for students transferring to secondary school at the beginning of year 7, after completing Key Stage 4 education and moving to Sixth Form, and in our Junior School. We also accept in-year admissions if there are places available. Details for the admissions processes can be found below.

As a Church of England Academy, the Minster Trust for Education (MITRE) acts as the admissions authority for all its member school.

All MITRE schools follow the Nottinghamshire County Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for applications for intake at the "normal time" (starting primary school, moving to junior school, starting secondary school). For further information about the scheme and how to apply follow this link :

Each year 55 places are reserved for children of families who regularly worship as part of a Church of England congregation.  Applications for these places are very often successful and many children with these church places come from beyond our normal catchment. To apply for one of these places the supplementary application form must be completed alongside the local authority application form or in-year application form.

If you have any enquiry with regard to admissions please do not hesitate to make contact with our Admissions Officer, Rebecca Toms, 

Main school applications 

There are usually more people wanting their child to come to the Minster School at the beginning of year 7 than there are places available. When this happens the Governing Body applies the over-subscription criteria which are included in the year 7 admissions arrangements document.

Applications are made via the Local Authority (Notts. County Council) who co-ordinate admissions for all schools and academies in Nottinghamshire. You can find out more about the co-ordinated Scheme here on the Notts. County Council website.

The admissions arrangements for year 7 can be found below. Alongside is the supplementary application form. This must be completed and returned to school if you are applying for a place based upon your or your child's faith.

In-year admissions 

All MITRE schools administer their own in-year admissions by direct application. Please use the form below to make an application and return the form to the school. The outcome of your application will be sent in writing within 15 school days.

Sixth Form applications 

Junior School applications  

Visit the Junior School Admissions page to find out more about applying or contact Miss Rebecca Toms (Admissions Officer) for more details


When a parent or carer seeks a place in a state school and this is refused, there is a right to appeal against the decision to an independent appeals panel.

Please contact to request a copy of the MITRE admissions appeals form.

Details of the appeals process are outlined as follows:

Waiting List 

We do keep a waiting list for each year group and unsuccessful applicants will be placed on this list. The list is ordered according to the over subscription criteria set out in our admissions arrangements – not by date of application.