04 Feb 2021
Student services is a one-stop shop for students who need some extra help or advice. This is the place to go to hand in an envelope, seek some medical help, have a conversation about a major concern or even check for lost property. Situated at the end of the heart space, the pastoral support assistants and other members of the pastoral team are all based at student services.
Student services is open before school from 8.30am, during breaks and lunch and after school until 4pm.
Lost property is open on Fridays at lunchtime and after school for students to check for their items.
Although the Minster School is a welcoming community which shows kindness to others, there are rare occasions when bullying can occur. We take any such situations seriously when they are raised or come to light and work hard to resolve them.
Bullying is different from falling out with others or an individual unkind incident and is defined at the Minster School as “Several Times On Purpose”, STOP. It is understood that bullying sometimes happens at a distance through the use of technology (Cyberbullying). This is treated as any other type of bullying if it happens at school.
Bullying motivated by prejudice such as race, gender, sexual orientation or disability is taken very seriously, with work to support the victim and also with the perpetrator to explore views and prejudices. Alongside any sanctions there is also a need to restore healthy relationships and consider our school ethos to succeed together through kindness.
If students are concerned about bullying, either directly or on behalf of another student, they should “Start Telling Other People”, STOP. This could be any trusted adult in school.
If parents/carers have concerns about bullying they should contact the school through the form tutor or the pastoral support assistant for the relevant year group. Alternatively please report any allegations of bullying through the email bullying@minster.notts.sch.uk
Access to a trained counsellor: https://kooth.com
Text number for health advice (NHS): 07507 929952
Free, anonymous support through Childline: 0800 1111 - https://www.childline.org.uk/
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP): https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/
ThinkUKnow – guides for young people and parents about the safe use of technology - https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Nottinghamshire Carers - to help raise awareness of, and offer support for young carers across the country -https://www.minster.notts.sch.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=5090
Childnet - Childnet
Parent Zone - https://parentzone.org.uk/
Internet Matters - Information, Advice and Support to Keep Children Safe Online (internetmatters.org)
Digital Parenting - Digital Parenting
Gaming (ThinkUKnow) - Gaming: what parents and carers need to know (thinkuknow.co.uk)
Alongside the key resources listed above, please find further links and resources on our support links blog.
When issues arise in school there are structured approaches to make sure students are supported to be ready for learning and demonstrate the values to which we subscribe as a school. The school also acts rapidly to support the very best attendance by students.