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Summer update from the Head Teacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you are enjoying the summer break and finding time to relax and recharge with your families. As we approach the new academic year, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some important updates and information with you.

We are delighted to share the fantastic achievements of our students in their recent examinations. At GCSE, 80% of our students achieved a grade of 4 or above in English and Maths and early indications are that our Progress 8 figure will be higher than what we achieved in 2023. At A level, the average grade was a B, with an impressive 25% of grades awarded being A* or A. These results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of students and staff, who benefit so much from your support as parents and carers. More details can be found on the school website using the following links - A Level and GCSE

These results were on the back of exceptional results that were achieved in the Year 6 SATS that were taken in May. In 2023, we were one of the top performing schools in the country and it is likely that the 2024 results will mirror this. 

At the end of last term, we said farewell to several valued members of our teaching staff: Miss Walter, Miss Paras, and Mr Tysoe. We thank them for their contributions and wish them all the best in their future endeavours. In September, we are excited to welcome new teachers to our team: Mr Singh, Mrs Hibbert, Miss Skelding, and Miss Careford. We look forward to the fresh perspectives and expertise they will bring to our school community.

Return to School 

We look forward to welcoming students back as follows:

Juniors, Year 7, and Year 12 on Wednesday, 4th September.

All other year groups will return on Thursday, 5th September.

School will start at the normal time of 8:50 am, with all students expected to be on site by 8:47 am.

Parent Information Evenings 

During the first week, we will be hosting parent information evenings. They will be as follows:

  • Year 7 on Wednesday, 4th September at 6:00 pm
  • Year 8 on Wednesday, 4th September at 6:45 pm
  • Year 9 on Wednesday, 4th September at 7:30 pm
  • Year 10 on Thursday, 5th September at 6:00 pm
  • Year 11 on Thursday, 5th September at 6:45 pm

We urge you to attend if you can, but we will also make information available on the website following the event. 

Attendance policy update

Good school attendance remains a national priority post pandemic. Nationally, there has been a drop in school attendance and, in light of this, the government has updated the national guidance for schools. This can be accessed here.

In line with this, the Minster Trust for Education (MITRE) has implemented a new attendance policy for its schools, which is now in effect. In line with the national guidance, there has been a change to the issuing of penalty notices for non-attendance. You may have seen coverage of this in the media. In summary, if the school asks the local authority to issue a penalty notice for non-attendance then, in the first instance, this would be £80 (if paid within 21 days) per parent, per child. A second penalty notice would be £160, and a third penalty notice cannot be issued within three years, leading to alternative action which could include legal action. We encourage all parents and carers to review our policy, which can be accessed here to ensure a clear understanding of our expectations and procedures regarding student attendance.



As we enter the last week of the holidays, I would urge you to check that your child’s school uniform still fits them ready for the new term. Our uniform expectations can be found on the website here and will be ensuring that children follow these expectations on their return.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school and working together for another successful year.

Warm regards,

Ben Chaloner - Head Teacher