Wider Opening and New Online Learning
The Works Newsletter includes most of our key updates this week. Additionally the information below confirms plans for wider opening for years 6, 10 and 11 and some other information from Mr Parris.
Welcome back to the final half term of this academic year, one like never before. As you will be aware from my earlier updates and from national announcements, schools are not returning to normal any time soon and we continue to not only plan for the remainder of this term but also await guidance for September and beyond.
Estimating grades
Next week the school will be submitting grades for all students in years 11 and 13 for all subjects, following a meticulous process that has involved extensive analysis, checking and the development of individual subject protocols to make sure we are being as objective and aspirational as we can for students, while remaining realistic and fair. These submitted grades will then be modified by the exam boards according to their statistical analyses and final grades will be awarded on the usual exam results days in August : Thursday 13th August for year 13 and Thursday 20th August for year 11. I would like to thank all teachers for their efforts in getting this right and going through many stages in the process. A particular thank you to Curriculum Team Leaders; to Mr Greer the exams officer; to Mr Partridge who has co-ordinated and led the whole process.
Year 6 extended provision
After a delay this week, the Junior School will be opening on Monday 8th June to year 6 only, although children of key workers can also book into the Hub Provision through this website : https://www.minster.notts.sch.uk/minsterhub
Mr Burns and Mrs Britten have been joined by Mrs Gees who will support the work in Juniors, which operate separately from the rest of the school to maintain a distinct population in that part of the school. They will begin their day at 8.30am, running through to 2.15pm. Thank you to all the staff who have helped completely change the provision and the spaces ready to welcome back children and keep them safe while they are with us in school. I know how much Mr Burns and Mrs Britten are looking forward to seeing their pupils.
Year 10 and 12 onsite provision
Planning is also well underway for the partial return of year 10 and 12 students. The onsite provision will support online learning with the opportunity for discussion, questions and the consideration of more complex topics. I can now confirm that this provision will start on Monday 15th June and each year 10 and 12 student will have the opportunity to visit the site once each week. We are required to limit the number of students onsite each day and so cannot unfortunately offer any more than this. We must also modify the day to fit with other cohorts (Juniors and Hub) in school and so the provision will be different and shorter as compared to "normal" school.
Each week the days will be as follows:
- Monday - Year 10 CR Band
- Wednesday - Year 10 TW Band
- Friday - Year 12
Each day in school will start at 10.00am and will finish at 2.30pm.
On Monday 8th June year 10 and 12 families will receive an important communication from me including a video briefing, a family guide to onsite provision and a home school agreement which will need completing and returning by Wednesday 10th June. This will also act as your registration for the provision. It is essential that all families intending for their child to return from 15th June engage with this information. The guide includes lots of additional information so I would be grateful if you could save any questions until after you have read it next week.
In advance of the return of more students much has changed on the school site in readiness...
Hub relocation
From Monday (8th June) the provision onsite for vulnerable students and the children of key workers will be moving from the Breakout Space to the 6th form area of the school. Students should use the caretakers entrance rather than the main school entrance and will have use of the 6th form ICT suite, common room and cafe when they are in school, along with continued opportunities to use sports and outside facilities. This move helps us keep this group of students separate from those attending for year 10 and 12 provision from 15th June.
In The Works Newsletter this week:
- Teaching and Learning update, in particular for Key Stage 3 (supported by additional document below)
- Online safety reminders (supported by additional document below)
- Supporting year 10 and 12 next year
Thank you for taking the time to read this update - I am very much looking forward to having more students back in school from next week so that we can support them in their learning and begin to build our community back here in Southwell.
With very best wishes to you all.
Matthew Parris
Head Teacher