The Works and Onsite Provision
Our latest newsletter and a questionnaire for parents to complete to help us prepare.
Plans for some further onsite provision next half term
If you haven't yet had the chance to read my update following the government announcements, I would be grateful if you could read this first for context before considering the below.
Some points of clarification:
- It is certainly not the intention to extend the opening of The Minster School before we are completely ready and that may not be 1st June, which is the date from which the government have asked for some face to face provision to be available for students in years 10 and 12. We will continue to make plans and modify them according to the latest advice from all parties and won't "jump the gun" with anything we implement.
- Early ideas as detailed in my previous update may change as we undertake detailed planning to staff and develop the onsite provision. It will definitely be with subject specialists and will be designed to support online learning, not replace it. There will be opportunities for students to ask questions, discuss and consider more complex topics.
- It is the decision of parents/carers as to whether they would like to use the provision, although from an educational perspective we would encourage participation if it is possible.
- As I mentioned in my previous communication, much will be done to put in place the best possible social distancing measures and routines, considering all aspects of our site and provision.
At this stage and to help us with plans, we need you to let us know (as best you can) whether it is likely that your son/daughter will be attending the onsite provision if it starts at some point next half term. It is appreciated that your decision may change later. I therefore ask that all families complete the relevant short questionnaires to help us. We also need to find out about the use of our Key Worker "Hub" provision so even if your child is not in either year 10 or 12 a return will help. Year 11 and year 13 students do not need a reply.
There are three different questionnaires for different cohorts. Please only complete those that are relevant. You will need to return one for each student at the school. Please return by Wednesday 20th May at 12 noon.
Thank you for your help. Our latest Works newsletter is attached below and includes some further key messages.
Matthew Parris
Head Teacher