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Welcome from the Chair of Governors

Welcome to The Minster School. The governors are immensely proud of the staff (teaching and support) and students, who continue to produce work and results of the highest calibre. We are immensely proud of the strong Ofsted report that we received in November 2023. The school was graded 'good' overall with outstanding personal development and sixth form provision . Please support the school in any way you can to ensure we maintain our high standards in the future.

On 1 December 2018, The Minster School became an academy within the Minster Trust for Education (MITRE), a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) which includes another secondary school and several primary/infant schools within our geographical area. The transition to an academy has changed the way we are funded and we receive our budget through MITRE and are supported by them in all our work. The Minster School was founded in 956AD making it one of the oldest schools in England!  We are proud of this heritage and our Christian foundation. We welcome pupils from a wide range of backgrounds to a school dedicated to our core values of wisdom, optimism, resilience, kindness and service. Our school motto is, “Succeeding together”. Our local Governing Body comprises representatives of the Diocese, the Bishop, Cathedral Chapter, Nottinghamshire County plus the parents and staff of the school.

We were a National Teaching School under a former government initiative, with over 70 Schools joining our Teaching School Alliance. This transformed into the Minster Learning Alliance, in September 2021. We are also the East Midlands East Maths Hub and lead CPD for Nottinghamshire Music Hub. These networks enable our staff to assist other schools to improve their performance. It also helps us to learn from their ideas how further to improve our school.

Governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school and we seek to ensure that the high targets set are achieved. Governors offer their time voluntarily to work with the headteacher, staff and pupils of the school. We do this by regular meetings with key staff and department heads, each governor having responsibility for an area of development within the school improvement plan. As Governors we are responsible for ensuring financial probity and we regularly monitor spending, ensuring that value for money is obtained.

All Governors give their time freely and details of who we are can be seen on the website. If there are issues that need to be addressed, I would ask that you contact key staff at the school in the first instance.  Our complaints policy is detailed on our website and explains how I can be contacted through school if you are unable to resolve any issues. I am very grateful for the time given by all Governors, because without such support the school would not be able to maintain the high standards for which it is renowned.

If you need to contact me directly then please write to me at school in an envelope marked for the Chair of Governors, 'private and confidential'.

David Shannon


Our Governors

Current Governors

  • Mrs Jemma Baldry - Staff Governor - Term of Office 21/03/2025–20/03/2029

  • Mr Robert Beckett - Foundation - Term of Office 01/09/22–31/08/26

  • Mr Ben Chaloner - Staff - Headteacher (Ex-Officio) - Term of Office - 01/11/20

  • Reverend Canon Dr. Richard Frith - Foundation (Ex-Officio) - Term of Office Commenced - 14/10/19 

  • Mrs Hayley Gault - Staff - Term of Office 21/03/21 - 20/03/25

  • Mr Peter Gibbins - Foundation - Term of Office - 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2026

  • Miss Laura Goodhead - Co-opted - Term of Office - 20/03/2024 - 19/03/2028

  • Reverend James Halstead - Foundation - Term of Office - 18/01/25 - 17/01/29

  • Mrs Tracey Jevons-Hazzard - Foundation - Term of Office - 17/12/24 - 16/12/28

  • Mr Mike Johnson - Parent - Term of Office - 08/07/24 - 07/07/28

  • Mrs Ellis May - Parent - Term of Office 10/11/2022 - 09/11/2026

  • Reverend Sarah Patten - Foundation - Term of Office - 16/12/21 - 15/12/25

  • Mr David Shannon - Chair, Foundation (Chapter) - Term of Office 05/11/21 - 04/11/25
  • Mrs Fi Thompson - Parent - Term of Office - 28/11/22 - 27/11/26

  • Mr Andy Wall - Staff Co-opted - Term of Office 17/11/24 - 16/11/28

Governors' Meetings

Meetings 2024 – 2025

Full Governing Body

Autumn Term – Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 6.30pm

Spring Term - Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 6.30pm

Summer Term - Tuesday, 8 July 2025 at 6.30pm


The Minster School Governing Body has determined that it will operate through the following committees:

  • Strategic Development and Pupils (SD&P) 
  • Finance General Purposes and Personnel (FGP&P) 
  • Discipline Committee (DC) - when required
  • Pay Committee (PC) - when required

Committee Meetings

Autumn Term – SD&P Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 6.30pm / FGP&P, Tuesday 19 November 2024 at 6.30pm

Spring Term - SD&P, Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 6.30pm / FGP&P, Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 6.30pm

Summer Term - SD&P, Tuesday 13 May 2025 at 6.30pm / FGP&P, Tuesday 17 June 2025 at 6.30pm

Committee Members

Strategic Development and Pupils' Committee: Reverend J Halstead (Chair), Mr B Chaloner (Ex-officio),                    Mrs H Gault, Reverend Canon Dr R Frith (Ex-officio),Mr A Wall, Mrs F Thompson; Mrs E May; Miss L Goodhead;             Mr M Johnson; Mrs T Jevons-Hazzard; Mrs J Baldry

Finance, General Purposes and Personnel Committee: Mr R Beckett (Chair), Mr B Chaloner (Ex-officio), Reverend Canon Dr R Frith (Ex-officio), Reverend S Patten, Mr P Gibbins, Mrs F Thompson, Mrs E May; Reverend James Halstead (Ex-officio)

Discipline Committee: The Committee will be made up of three Governors from the Governing Body except The Minster School staff governors

Admissions Panel: Mr D Shannon, Reverend J Halstead; Mrs T Jevons-Hazzard

Appeals Committee: All Governors except Minster staff governors

Pay Committee: Mr D Shannon, Mr R Beckett ; Mr P Gibbins

Complaints: Mr D Shannon (Chair of Governors)

Declarations of Interest 

Register of declarations of pecuniary and personal interest

Last updated: October 2024

All parties have declared interests, including where they have none. All interests that exist have been recorded on the register.

Name Name of Business Institution or Charity Nature of Business Institution or Charity Nature of Interest Relationship to Staff/Students Date Interest Began
Mr Andy Wall MITRE Trust Multi-Academy Trust Married to MITRE employee Parent 17/11/2020
Reverend Richard Frith Southwell Cathedral Chapter Church Trustee None  
Reverend    James Halstead

Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

Church of England Diocese

Director of Board of Finance






Mrs Hayley Gault MITRE Trust Multi-Academy Trust Sister of MITRE employee Sibling 01/09/2020
Mrs Sarah Patten

Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham

Patten UK Ltd




Patten NZ Ltd




Church of England 



Personal Interests




Music recording & publishing; Renting and leasing of media equipment 

Sports and recreation education; residents' property management




Chartered Management Institute

Rev. R Frith


Rev. J Halstead

Mr P Provost
















Work Colleague 

Line Manager




















Mr Peter Gibbins

The Simmons Repair Fund

Gibbins Hanrahan Ltd 

The Chimes Trust



Independent Financial Adviser



Financial Sector


Repair & Maintenance of Bells of Southwell Cathedral Church

Financial Sector




















Mr Robert Beckett

A J Beckett 

Saracens Securities Ltd

Southwell Charities For the Poor and Sick 





Radio & Television




Prevention or relief of poverty


Institute of Engineering & Technology

Royal British Legion

Confederation of Aerial Industries





Trustee & Clerk




















Mrs Fi Thompson Lowes Wong Junior School Primary Education Co-opted Governor (Vice Chair) Parent 

October 2017


Mr Mike Johnson


Lowes Wong Junior School


Primary Education


Parent Co-opted Governor



October 2016-July 2024

Mrs Tracey Jevons-Hazzard

Labour Party




Local Deputy Vice-Chair


November 2023

November 2024

Senior leaders who contribute

Name Name/nature of pecuniary/business interest declared Type of business
Ms Caroline Blick No external business/pecuniary interest declared NA

Members who resigned/end of term during previous 12 months

Name Date of Appointment Date of Resignation/End of Term
Mrs Charley Pierpoint 28/11/2018 08/05/2024
Mr Paul Provost 18/06/2019 11/10/2024
Mrs Christine Corner 11/12/2023


Mrs Michele Atkinson 17/11/2020 16/11/2024
Mrs Hayley Gault 21/03/2021


Mrs Vicky Wicks 23/03/2021 22/03/2025

Meeting Attendance 

 Attendance at Strategic Development and Pupils Committee meetings


Academic Year 2024-2025

No. Attended/No. in Year

Academic Year 2023-2024

No. Attended/No. in Year

Mr Ben Chaloner 1/3 3/3
Rev. Richard Frith 1/3 3/3
Mr Andy Wall 2/3 3/3
Mrs Michele Atkinson 1/1 (left 16.11.24) 1/3
Revd. James Halstead 1/3 2/3
Mrs Hayley Gault 2/2 (end of term 20/03/25) 1/3
Mr Paul Provost NA (left 11/10/24) 1/3
Mr David Shannon 2/3 3/3
Mrs Charley Pierpoint NA 0/3 (left 08/05/24)
Mrs Fi Thompson 2/3  3/3 
Mrs Ellis May 2/3 2/3 
Mrs Vicky Wicks 2/2 (term ended 22/03/25) 3/3 
Mrs Christine Corner NA (left 11/09/24) 2/2 (term commenced 11/12/23)
Miss Laura Goodhead 2/3  1/1 (term commenced 20/03/24)
Mrs Tracey Jevons-Hazzard 1/2 (term commenced 17/12/24) NA
Mr Mike Johnson 2/3 NA (term commenced (08/07/24)


Attendance at Finance, General Purposes and Personnel Committee meetings


Academic Year 2024-2025

No. Attended/No. in Year

Academic Year 2023-2024

No. Attended/No. in Year

Mr Ben Chaloner 2/3 3/3
Mr Richard Beckett 2/3 2/3
Revd. Richard Frith  1/3 2/3
Revd. Sarah Patten  1/3 2/3 
Mr Peter Gibbins 1/3 3/3
Mrs Fi Thompson 2/3  3/3 

Mrs Ellis May

2/3 2/3 
Mrs Christine Corner NA (left 11/09/24)

1/2 (term commenced 08/12/23)

 Attendance at Full Board meetings


Academic Year 2024-2025

No. Attended/No. in Year

Academic Year 2023-2024

No. Attended/No. in Year

Mr Ben Chaloner 2/3 3/3
Revd. Richard Frith 0/3 2/3
Mr Andy Wall 2/3


Mrs Michele Atkinson NA (left 16/11/24) 3/3
Revd. James Halstead 1/3 3/3
Mrs Hayley Gault 1/1 (end of term 20/03/25) 4/3
Mr Mike Johnson 2/3 1/1 (term commenced 08/07/24)
Mr David Shannon 2/3 3/3
Mrs Charley Pierpoint NA 0/2 (left 08/05/24)
Mr Paul Provost NA (left 11/10/24) 2/3
Mr Richard Beckett 2/3 3/3

Mrs Vicky Wicks

1/1 (term ended 22/03/25) 1/3
Revd. Sarah Patten  2/3 2/3
Mr Peter Gibbins 2/3 2/3
Mrs Fi Thompson 2/3 3/3 
Mrs Ellis May 2/3 2/3 
Mrs Christine Corner NA (left 11/09/24) 2/3 
Miss Laura Goodhead 2/3  2/2 (term commenced 20/03/24)
Mrs Tracey Jevons-Hazzard 1/2 (term commenced 17/12/24)


Mrs Jemma Baldry 0/2 (appointed 21/03/25) NA