Parent Update
Face coverings, PE uniform, reading and exam dates
It is unbelievable to think that the term is now five weeks old and that October is upon us. In two weeks time we will be breaking up for the half term break. The systems operating in school are now becoming the new normal. Students are settled, working in their bubbles and although there are limitations upon the areas that they can access staff are working hard to provide a broad curriculum in line with what we believe appropriate at the Minster.
Today I would like the opportunity to share some reminders and updates.
Face Coverings
We made the decision as a school to enforce the wearing of face coverings in communal areas. Students are also expected to wear them on the school buses. This has worked well and is reassuring for both students and staff. However, as the term has progressed a number of students are regularly forgetting their coverings and using school supplied disposable ones. This is especially the case when students have PE and are not in their normal school uniform. It would be appreciated if you would remind your child each morning to bring a face covering and check that they have one.
PE Uniform
We have been asking students in Years 7-11 to wear their PE kit to school on days when they have PE. However, it has become noticeable that some students are exploiting this and wearing non uniform on these days. From Monday 2nd November 2020 students will need to follow the guidelines set out below.
On days when PE practical lessons are scheduled, students should wear the following:
- Trainers (not canvas shoes, converse or vans style – trainers must support the foot)
- Black bottoms (jogging bottoms, black football style shorts, leggings)
- Minster School PE shirt (blue and black, with school logo)
Plus any of the following items:
- A Minster School PE fleece (blue and black, with school logo) OR
- A Minster School waterproof jacket (black, with school logo) OR
- Their usual school jumper or cardigan (black, with school logo) AND/OR
- Their blazer (black, with school logo) AND/OR
- An outdoor coat, worn over the top of the above.
School jumpers/cardigans and blazers will be removed during practical PE lessons but can be worn around school.
Hooded tops (including zip-up hoodies) and sweatshirts may not be worn at school at any time.
This information will also be shared with students during their PE lessons before half term.
Key Stage 3 Reading
From the Monday 12th October students in years 7, 8 and 9 will be expected to silently read between lesson changeovers. This is the time when their teacher leaves and new teacher arrives. Many students already bring a book in their bag to read each day - it would be helpful if you could ensure that your child has one.
Summer Exam Series
The dates for the GCSE and A Level exams in the summer of 2021 are yet to be confirmed, however, it is looking likely that these will take place later than normal. In previous years parents have often looked to book holidays in July believing that the exam period will be over. At this stage I would advise you against booking a holiday during term time until these dates are confirmed. We will share the dates with you once we have been informed.