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1st March - Industrial Action

1st March - partial closure to years 8, 9 and 10.

Dear Parents and Carers,

You will be aware from media coverage and my earlier communications that the National Education Union (NEU) has declared strike action, which has taken place on 1st February, and will take place on  1st March, 15th March and 16th March. The strike is happening because of a national dispute between the union and the government over teachers’ pay and not because of any issues at our school. 

I am now getting in touch to give you as much notice as possible about our arrangements for 1st March 2023.

Having carried out a full risk assessment that is based upon the numbers of staff that are likely to strike, there will be a partial closure of the school.

Years 8, 9 and 10 will be expected to remain at home.

All other year groups ( years 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12 and 13) to attend school as normal.

I am sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your year 8, 9  and/or 10 child/children at short notice, and that they will experience disruption to their education. I realise that this is a closure to more year groups than was the case on 1st February. This decision has been taken by considering the number of teachers likely to be on strike and the impact upon their classes and supervision across school. I had hoped not to impact year 9 for a second time but I have been unable to do this due to maintaining safe numbers of staff and supervision in school.  Priority has been given to the youngest year groups and those preparing for summer exams.

I will review the arrangements for the planned strikes on 15th and 16th March where different arrangements may apply.

For students that are attending school there is likely to be some adaptations to their normal day. At times, this may include the supervision of students in the main hall.

Further information will follow regarding remote provision for year 8, 9 and 10 students who will be at home.

We are working closely with union representatives to keep up to date with the situation, and I will inform you as soon as possible if arrangements change further. Rules relating to industrial action mean that we are unable to accurately identify the number of staff likely to engage in strike action, so we continue to refine our planning based upon the information available to us.

I understand that this situation will be frustrating, and apologise that in this instance I do not feel that we will have the numbers of staff available to have all our children on site. I am sure that all members of our school community will continue to treat each other with respect around these decisions. The Minster School remains committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our pupils and delivering high-quality teaching.


Kind regards,

Ben Chaloner - Head Teacher