Summer Update 2022
Summer update including staff changes and beginning of new school year
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that you have had an enjoyable summer break and as our minds turn to the return to school I thought I would write to families to share some key reminders and updates and ensure that we are all prepared for the best possible start to the new academic year.
Over the past week or so the students in Years 11 and 13 have been receiving the outcomes of this summer's public examinations. Yet again, The Minster School students have been rewarded for their hard work with fantastic results. At GCSE, 87% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in both English and maths, with 24% achieving a grade 7 or above in both. At A level an astonishing 40% of all grades were either an A* or A. These results have ensured that many students have the qualifications that they need to embark upon the next stages of their education, training or employment. Congratulations to all students and a big thank you to parents, carers and staff who have all played a vital role in the students’ successes.
At the end of last year, we said farewell to a number of staff as they left for challenges new. Mr Myerscough, Mr Whitehead and Mrs Fellows have all moved to schools closer to where they live. Miss Goldstein and Mrs McKeever-Williams have both secured promotions and Mr Boothroyd has joined the Minster Trust for Education on a full-time basis. In addition, we wish both Mrs Ireland and Mrs Charnley our warmest wishes as they begin their retirement. We thank all the staff that are leaving us for their diligent work in providing an excellent education here at The Minster School and I am sure that they will be successful with whatever the future holds. I would like to make a special mention to Mrs Charnley who has spent an incredible 40 years at The Minster School dedicating her whole teaching career to our students. She is well known by many of our families and I know that you will join me in particularly thanking her for her dedication to the school.
As the new academic year approaches there will be a number of new staff joining us. These include Miss Beckwith (PE), Mr Bishop (maths), Miss Burke (art), Mrs Dunn (business studies), Mr Holt (science), Mr Hubery (drama), Mrs Fisher (English), Ms Read (English), Mrs Sneddon (design and technology) and Mrs West (Maths Hub Lead). We have also appointed a new Deputy Head Teacher to join the Senior Leadership Team. Miss Goodhead joins us from the Chilwell School and will have responsibility for the Pastoral systems in the school.
In the Junior School Mrs Britten has reduced her days and will be working Monday to Wednesday with the Year 3/4 class. Mr Burns has agreed to return to the school and will teach the Year 3/4 class on Thursday and Friday. Mr Dring will continue teaching the Year 5/6 class in his role as Head of Junior School.
As previously communicated the start of term for years 7 and 12 will be this Friday, 2nd September. Students should arrive by 8:47am through the side gate. Staff will be outside school to direct students on their arrival. Please could Year 7 students bring a packed lunch (and breaktime snack if they wish) on this day whilst we ensure they are set up on the cashless catering system. Students will be photographed during the day for their lunch card which will be produced over the weekend and made available to students on Monday. Year 12 students will have induction lessons in all their subjects and should expect to be in school for the full day.
All other year groups are to return to school on Monday 5th September. Students will have an initial tutor session where timetables will be distributed. Students can access these timetables in advance on the Satchel One (Show my Homework) App but please note that the week commencing 5th September will be Week B.
It is important that students have the correct uniform ready for September. The uniform list can be found on the website here. Students are expected to wear a blazer at all times when moving around the school (it can be put on the back of their chair during lessons) and is a compulsory part of the school uniform. Can I also draw special attention the policy regarding jewellery – only a watch and one pair of studded earrings to be worn – and ask that any fake/acrylic nails are removed before the return to school.
We are looking forward to welcoming all students back to school and I am sure that the 2022-2023 academic year will be a successful one.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Chaloner
Head Teacher